I believe schoolchildren should be taught essential life skills when they are at school such as how to cook, how to budget, how mortgages work and how to sew.
I have spoken with many organisations across the region, who have all highlighted a major shortage of skills and staff.
To help plug the gap, I want to see tuition fees for students studying STEM subjects and modern foreign languages cut and fees refunded for those who choose to work as doctors, nurses or teachers.
I also want to see more emphasis put on ICT and coding in classrooms, and schools educate children on different world cultures to give them a better understanding of the world.
Hybu sgiliau ac addysg
Rwy'n credu y dylid dysgu sgiliau bywyd hanfodol i blant ysgol pan fyddan nhw yn yr ysgol fel sut i goginio, sut i gyllidebu, sut mae morgeisi'n gweithio a sut i wnïo.
Rydw i wedi siarad â llawer o sefydliadau ar draws y rhanbarth, sydd i gyd wedi tynnu sylw at brinder sylweddol o ran sgiliau a staff.
Er mwyn helpu i lenwi'r bwlch, rydw i am weld ffioedd dysgu ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy'n astudio pynciau STEM ac ieithoedd tramor modern yn cael eu cwtogi a ffioedd yn cael eu had-dalu i'r rhai sy'n dewis gweithio fel meddygon, nyrsys neu athrawon.
Rydw i hefyd eisiau gweld mwy o bwyslais yn cael ei roi ar TGCh a chodio mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth, a gweld ysgolion yn addysgu plant ar wahanol ddiwylliannau'r byd i roi gwell dealltwriaeth iddyn nhw o'r byd.