Thornhill Play Group in Cwmbran was the first port of call for an afternoon out and about in the constituency for MS Natasha Asghar.
The pre-school children and staff were celebrating Shwmae day and warmly welcomed Natasha.
Manager Victoria Rogers showed Natasha the outdoor play area and garden where the children enjoyed growing tomatoes and strawberries this summer. Victoria talked Natasha through the children’s daily activities which always begins with washing hands and cleaning teeth. “We use timers and music as prompts which helps the children gauge how much time is needed for these important jobs!”
The children confidently took her to a cosy corner where they read a book, played cars and then compared sparkly shoes before getting ready to visit “their friends in the care home next door”.
Victoria explained how the play group’s application for a Community Cohesion Grant had been successful and enabled her to buy some equipment. “We have a wonderful partnership with the award-winning Leadon Court Care Home next door which specialises in caring for people with dementia.
“Using the grant I bought craft supplies, a bubble machine and musical instruments which we store at the home. We visit each week and read stories, paint and sing with the residents. Our children love visiting “their friends” and the residents’ faces just light up when our children arrive. We had a beach party themed visit in the summer, complete with a paddling pool which was enjoyed by all!” added Victoria.
Natasha joined the children and walked over to Leadon Court, a short journey during which they practice how to cross the road safely, and received an equally warm welcome from the staff, residents and families visiting that afternoon.
Events and Fundraising coordinator Katherine Bright described how uplifting the play group’s visits are and how the children brighten the residents’ day. “Their energy and laughter is infectious and our residents – and staff! - enjoy every minute of the activities they do together.”
Katherine proudly showed Natasha the hair salon and nail bar within the home: “Coming here feels like a weekly trip out, possibly like they used to do, and provides a quiet time to relax. We are very fortunate to have a member of staff who is a trained beautician so our ladies enjoy a professional manicure.”
Natasha said: “I was absolutely blown away by my visit to Thornhill Play Group and Leadon Court Care Home and the wonderful connection they have made. This has to be an example of intergenerational best practice which clearly has so many benefits for residents and the children, who were an absolutely delight.
“I must congratulate the staff at Leadon Court on winning Home of the Year Award at the South Wales Health and Care Awards 2023. They have created a wonderful caring, friendly atmosphere and environment with stimulating activities, and I was very pleased to meet so many members of the team and residents during my incredibly enjoyable visit.”
Cylch Chwarae Thornhill yng Nghwmbrân oedd y man ymweld cyntaf ar brynhawn allan yn yr etholaeth i Natasha Asghar AS.
Roedd y plant a'r staff cyn-ysgol yn dathlu diwrnod Shwmae a chafodd Natasha groeso cynnes.
Dangosodd y rheolwr Victoria Rogers y man chwarae a'r ardd awyr agored i Natasha lle’r oedd y plant yn mwynhau tyfu tomatos a mefus. Bu Victoria yn sôn am weithgareddau dyddiol y plant sydd bob amser yn dechrau gyda golchi eu dwylo a glanhau eu dannedd. "Rydyn ni'n defnyddio amseryddion a cherddoriaeth i ysgogi a helpu'r plant i fesur faint o amser sydd ei angen ar gyfer y tasgau pwysig hyn!"
Aeth y plant â hi’n hyderus i gornel glyd lle roedden nhw'n darllen llyfrau, yn chwarae ceir ac yna'n cymharu esgidiau llachar cyn paratoi i ymweld â'u "ffrindiau yn y cartref gofal drws nesaf".
Esboniodd Victoria sut y bu cais y cylch chwarae am Grant Cydlyniant Cymunedol yn llwyddiannus gan ei alluogi i brynu rhywfaint o offer. "Mae gennym ni bartneriaeth wych gyda Chartref Gofal arobryn Leadon Court drws nesaf sy'n arbenigo mewn gofalu am bobl â dementia.
"Gan ddefnyddio'r grant prynais gyflenwadau crefft, peiriant swigod ac offerynnau cerdd ac rydyn ni’n storio’r rhain yn y cartref. Rydyn ni’n ymweld bob wythnos ac yn darllen straeon, yn paentio ac yn canu gyda'r trigolion. Mae’r plant wrth eu bodd yn ymweld â'u ffrindiau ac mae wynebau'r preswylwyr yn goleuo pan fydd ein plant yn cyrraedd. Cawsom ymweliad ar thema parti traeth yn yr haf, ynghyd â phwll padlo a chafodd pawb amser da!" ychwanegodd Victoria.
Ymunodd Natasha â'r plant a cherdded draw i Leadon Court, taith fer lle maen nhw’n ymarfer sut i groesi'r ffordd yn ddiogel, a chafodd groeso yr un mor gynnes gan y staff, y preswylwyr a'r teuluoedd a oedd yn ymweld y prynhawn hwnnw.
Disgrifiodd y cydlynydd Digwyddiadau a Chodi Arian, Katherine Bright, cymaint o hwb yw ymweliadau'r cylch chwarae a sut mae'r plant yn codi calon y preswylwyr. "Mae eu hegni a'u chwerthin yn heintus ac mae'n trigolion - a'n staff! – yn mwynhau pob munud o'r gweithgareddau maen nhw'n eu gwneud gyda'i gilydd."
Roedd Katherine yn falch o ddangos y salon gwallt a'r bar ewinedd yn y cartref i Natasha: "Mae dod yma yn teimlo fel gwibdaith wythnosol, o bosibl fel y bydden nhw’n arfer ei wneud, ac yn gyfle iddyn nhw ymlacio’n dawel. Rydyn ni’n ffodus iawn o gael aelod o staff sy'n dechnegydd harddwch hyfforddedig felly mae arbenigwraig yn trin y preswylwyr."
Meddai Natasha: "Cefais fy syfrdanu'n llwyr gan fy ymweliad â Chylch Chwarae Thornhill a Chartref Gofal Leadon Court a'r cysylltiad gwych sydd ganddyn nhw. Mae'n rhaid ei bod yn enghraifft wych o arferion gorau sy’n pontio’r cenedlaethau, gan gynnig cymaint o fanteision i’r preswylwyr a'r plant, a oedd wrth eu boddau.
"Rhaid i mi longyfarch y staff yn Leadon Court ar ennill Gwobr Cartref y Flwyddyn yng Ngwobrau Iechyd a Gofal De Cymru 2023. Maen nhw wedi creu awyrgylch ac amgylchedd gofalgar, cyfeillgar hyfryd sy’n cynnwys gweithgareddau ysgogol, ac roeddwn i’n falch iawn o gwrdd â chynifer o aelodau'r tîm a'r preswylwyr yn ystod fy ymweliad hynod bleserus."