Staff running a mental health helpline in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board met with Natasha Asghar MS to discuss the newly launched service this week.
The South East Wales politician headed to St Cadoc’s Hospital in Newport to catch up with the dedicated NHS 111 Press 2 for mental health team.
Launched in May last year, the helpline provides patients with access to a mental health professional without the need for a GP referral.
It can help support people manage a crisis and act as an alternative to people attending emergency departments or calling the police.
Callers will be assessed and where appropriate will be referred to mental health services, given self-care advice or signposted to other support.
The team at Aneurin Bevan can deal with anywhere between 45 and 75 calls a day from individuals about a range of issues including housing and cost of living.
Since launching Wales-wide, the service has dealt with more than 56,000 calls with plans afoot to expand operations.
Those in need can access the service by calling 111 and selection ‘option 2’ which will then see them transferred to a member of the mental health team within their local health board.
Natasha Asghar MS said:
“It was a great experience to meet with the fantastic team running the 111 Press 2 for mental health within our local health board and get a better understanding of what their work entails.
“With huge pressures facing GPs and other health services, this phoneline is helping ease the burden on them whilst also providing invaluable support to residents in distress.
“I take my hat off to the team behind this vital service and I look forward to helping them going forward by connecting them with other groups and charities in a bid to create a more effective and streamlined service.”
Cyfarfu staff sy'n rhedeg llinell gymorth iechyd meddwl ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan â Natasha Asghar A i drafod y gwasanaeth sydd newydd ei lansio'r wythnos hon.
Aeth yr Aelod o’r Senedd dros Ddwyrain De Cymru i Ysbyty Sant Cadog yng Nghasnewydd i gyfarfod y tîm GIG 111 Pwyso 2 am iechyd meddwl.
Wedi'i lansio fis Mai y llynedd, mae'r llinell gymorth yn rhoi mynediad i gleifion at weithiwr iechyd meddwl proffesiynol heb fod angen atgyfeiriad gan feddyg teulu.
Gall helpu i gefnogi pobl i reoli argyfwng a gweithredu fel dewis arall yn lle bod pobl yn mynychu adrannau brys neu ffonio'r heddlu.
Bydd galwyr yn cael eu hasesu a, lle bo'n briodol, byddant yn cael eu cyfeirio at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl, yn cael cyngor hunanofal neu'n cael eu cyfeirio at gymorth arall.
Gall y tîm yn Aneurin Bevan ddelio â rhwng 45 a 75 galwad y dydd gan unigolion ynghylch amrywiaeth o faterion gan gynnwys tai a chostau byw.
Ers lansio ledled Cymru, mae'r gwasanaeth wedi delio â mwy na 56,000 o alwadau gyda chynlluniau ar y gweill i ehangu’r gwaith.
Gall y rhai mewn angen gael mynediad at y gwasanaeth drwy ffonio 111 a dewis 'opsiwn 2' a fydd yn eu trosglwyddo i aelod o'r tîm iechyd meddwl yn eu bwrdd iechyd lleol.
Meddai Natasha Asghar AS:
"Roedd cwrdd â'r tîm gwych sy'n rhedeg y gwasanaeth 111 Pwyso 2 ar gyfer iechyd meddwl yn ein bwrdd iechyd lleol yn brofiad arbennig, a chael gwell dealltwriaeth o'r hyn y mae eu gwaith yn ei olygu.
"Gyda phwysau enfawr yn wynebu meddygon teulu a gwasanaethau iechyd eraill, mae'r llinell ffôn hon yn helpu i ysgafnhau'r baich arnyn nhw tra hefyd yn cynnig cefnogaeth amhrisiadwy i breswylwyr mewn trallod.
"Pob clod i’r tîm y tu ôl i'r gwasanaeth hanfodol hwn ac edrychaf ymlaen at eu helpu i symud ymlaen trwy eu cysylltu â grwpiau ac elusennau eraill mewn ymgais i greu gwasanaeth mwy effeithiol a symlach."