Natasha Asghar MS met with a vast array of charities, organisations, and individuals as she attended this year’s Royal Welsh Show in Powys on one of the hottest days of the year.
The show – one of the biggest in Europe – has been taking place in Llanelwedd, just outside Builth Wells, this week.
Natasha, who represents South East Wales, made her way around the showground speaking with various groups, organisations, and charities.
She met with the likes of ITV Cymru Wales, BBC Wales, Cruse Bereavement Support, the British Army, Guide Dogs, and the Royal Air Force.
Natasha also took part in a BASC cross-party group on shooting and conservation alongside Welsh Conservative colleagues Samuel Kurtz MS, Russell George MS, Peter Fox MS, Sam Rowlands MS and Joel James MS.
The South East Wales MS said:
“It was great to see thousands of people enjoying themselves as the Royal Welsh Show made its long-awaited return this week and I am glad the heatwave didn’t put people off from attending.
“Despite the scorching temperatures, I had a fantastic time talking with various charities and organisations, learning about the work they do and what I can do to help in my capacity as a Member of the Senedd.
“On a personal note, it was a special day for me too as I was able to tick sitting in a military jet off my bucket list thanks to the Royal Air Force and learn how to handle an Army vehicle as well.
“The Royal Welsh showcases the very best Wales has to offer and I would encourage everyone to get their tickets and go to next year’s event – there is something for everyone and you won’t be disappointed.”
Cafodd Natasha Asghar AS y cyfle i gyfarfod ag amrywiaeth eang o elusennau, sefydliadau ac unigolion pan fynychodd y Sioe Fawr ym Mhowys eleni ar un o ddiwrnodau poethaf y flwyddyn.
Cafodd y sioe – un o’r mwyaf yn Ewrop – ei chynnal yn Llanelwedd yr wythnos hon.
Bu Natasha, sy’n cynrychioli De Ddwyrain Cymru, yn crwydro maes y sioe yn siarad gyda grwpiau, sefydliadau ac elusennau amrywiol.
Cyfarfu ag ITV Cymru, BBC Wales, Cruse Bereavement Support, Byddin Prydain, elusen y Cŵn Tywys a’r Awyrlu Brenhinol.
Cymerodd Natasha ran hefyd mewn grŵp trawsbleidiol BASC ar saethu a chadwraeth ar y cyd â’i chydweithwyr yn y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Samuel Kurtz AS, Russell George AS, Peter Fox AS, Sam Rowlands AS a Joel James AS.
Meddai’r AS dros Dde Ddwyrain Cymru:
“Roedd hi’n braf iawn gweld miloedd o bobl yn mwynhau eu hunain wrth i’r Sioe Fawr ddychwelyd yr wythnos hon ac rwy’n falch na rwystrodd y gwres llethol bobl rhag mynychu.
“Er yr haul crasboeth, cefais amser gwych yn siarad gyda gwahanol elusennau a sefydliadau, ac yn dysgu am y gwaith maen nhw’n ei wneud a’r hyn y gallaf ei wneud i’w helpu yn fy rôl fel Aelod o’r Senedd.
“Ar nodyn personol, roedd yn ddiwrnod arbennig i mi hefyd wrth i mi gael gwireddu breuddwyd ac eistedd mewn jet filwrol diolch i’r Awyrlu Brenhinol, a chefais ddysgu sut i reoli cerbyd y Fyddin hefyd.
“Mae’r Sioe Fawr yn dangos y gorau o Gymru a byddwn yn annog pawb i brynu tocyn a mynychu’r sioe y flwyddyn nesaf – mae rhywbeth i bawb a chewch chi mo’ch siomi.”