Natasha Asghar, Welsh Conservative Senedd Member for South East Wales, has visited Taff’s Well to view the work being done to construct a new £100 million depot and control centre for the South Wales Metro.
The South Wales Metro project is the biggest upgrade to public transport in South East Wales for a generation.
The integrated transport system of trains, tram-trains, buses, walking and cycling is planned to provide a modern, seamless service for the region.
During the visit, Natasha also saw the new, more comfortable trains and tram-trains that will provide a modern, effective service commencing in 2023.
These electric trains also deliver environmental benefits, being quieter and producing far less CO2 than the existing diesel trains.
Natasha Asghar said:
“ It was a pleasure to visit Taff’s Well to see some of the work being done to deliver the South Wales Metro Project.”
“For customers, it will mean more regular services with faster journey times, better value fares and greater accessibility.”
“I also saw examples of the new rolling stock which will be provided thanks to £800 million of investment.”
“These trains and tram-trains will significantly increase capacity and well as providing additional features such as level boarding for disabled access, increased bicycle storage, air conditioning and on board CCTV for the safety of passengers and staff, something I have been calling for a long time.”
“I accept that the pandemic may have delayed delivery but this fantastic project will help to unlock the huge economic potential of South Wales and I would like to thank Lewis Brencher and Ceri Taylor of Transport for Wales for a fascinating and very informative tour.”
Mae Natasha Asghar, Aelod o’r Senedd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig dros Dde-ddwyrain Cymru, wedi ymweld â Ffynnon Taf i weld y gwaith o adeiladu depo a chanolfan reoli newydd gwerth £100 miliwn ar gyfer Metro De Cymru.
Prosiect Metro De Cymru yw'r gwaith uwchraddio mwyaf i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus y De-ddwyrain ers cenhedlaeth.
Nod y system drafnidiaeth integredig o drenau, tram-drenau, bysiau, cerdded a beicio yw darparu gwasanaeth modern, di-dor i'r rhanbarth.
Yn ystod yr ymweliad, cafodd Natasha gipolwg ar y trenau a'r tram-drenau newydd, mwy cyfforddus a fydd yn darparu gwasanaeth modern ac effeithiol o 2023 ymlaen.
Mae'r trenau trydan hyn hefyd yn sicrhau manteision amgylcheddol, maen nhw’n dawelach ac yn cynhyrchu llawer llai o CO2 na'r trenau diesel presennol.
Dywedodd Natasha Asghar:
“Roedd yn bleser ymweld â Ffynnon Taf i weld rhywfaint o'r gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud i gyflawni Prosiect Metro De Cymru.”
“I gwsmeriaid, bydd yn golygu gwasanaethau mwy rheolaidd gydag amseroedd teithio cyflymach, prisiau tocynnau sy’n cynnig gwell gwerth am arian a mwy o hygyrchedd.”
“Hefyd, gwelais enghreifftiau o'r cerbydau newydd a fydd yn cael eu darparu diolch i fuddsoddiad o £800 miliwn.”
“Bydd y trenau a'r tram-drenau hyn yn cynyddu capasiti'n aruthrol ac yn cynnig nodweddion ychwanegol fel man gwastad ar gyfer mynediad i bobl anabl, mwy o le i storio beiciau, system aerdymheru a chamerâu CCTV er diogelwch teithwyr a staff, rhywbeth rydw i wedi bod yn galw amdano ers amser maith.”
“Rwy'n derbyn y gallai'r pandemig fod wedi oedi'r broses gyflawni, ond bydd y prosiect gwych hwn yn helpu i ddatgloi potensial economaidd enfawr y De. Hoffwn ddiolch i Lewis Brencher a Ceri Taylor o Trafnidiaeth Cymru am daith hynod ddiddorol ac addysgiadol dros ben."